I realized today that, on the days that I feel like a failure to my weight loss goals, I didn't wake up with a plan. I jumped in headfirst, (and backwards, too, no doubt), and floundered. What I need is structure. I thrive off of planning and organization. Being disorganized stresses me out, and stress is not conducive to good decisions, and feelings of success and calm.
This revelation has sparked an idea in me. A Christmas Countdown Diet. I want to be 104 lbs on Christmas, (well, the 24th, because that is the day of my family dinner, and there is no way I won't weigh at least a few extra pounds more on the 25th ). From now till then, I am going to have a plan. Not necessarily a strict one, but a plan so that I can have small successes each day, and reach an ultimate success of 104 lbs.
I weighed this morning. 110 lbs. wtf. I blame my celebratory vanilla latte last night, after finishing my last class. No regrets. I also took a picture of myself. Something to compare to in a month. I think my thighs could stretch from here to the moon, but I am not going to let that get me down. Motivation, right?
Okay, so here is the daily plan:
- 1 L water, minimum
- 2 mugs tea (2 cups each), minimum
- 45-60 minutes physical activity
- go outside for some fresh air
- 5 servings vegetables
- breakfast is an apple
- no more than 1 oz nuts (I seem to have an addiction; at least it has moved from nut butter to raw nuts)
- do not eat past 8 pm
- no snacking between meals, or when preparing food
- if "famished", 1/2 cup of raw veggies is acceptable, and a large glass of water
And, because I believe in rewards, or daily "treats", and because I love those advent calendars with the horrible (read:wonderful) cheap chocolate, every day I will plan something nice. Maybe a special food, or an activity, depends. I am not going to plan ahead for the next 24 days, of course. Maybe a few days in advance, at most, I will have an idea of what I will do, (it cannot be a careless whim, of course). Tomorrow, since it is Friday and I will be going out to dinner, I may have a beer. No dessert. Nothing fried. Veggie burger and salad, probably; (there is never much choice for a vegan). Enjoy it, too. Mind the moment.
I might come up with more daily "rules", and will post them as they come up. But for now, this is a good start. I think I will try to post every day, too. Even just to acknowledge the day, and to remind myself that I am accountable for tomorrow.
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