Thursday, January 19, 2012

don't get me down

Thursdays seem to be intent on defeating me. Seriously, today was ridiculous. First, I got on the wrong bus and had a 45 minute "scenic" tour of the city. (It was more a ride around housing developments). This, of course, made me late for class. My only class on Thursdays. Not that it mattered, though, because I never learn anything in psychology, anyway. The prof is a total flake, and he never focuses on the material, just goes off on tangents about chain-emails and newspaper biases. Needless to say, I was not concerned that I was made late, but that I went to class at all. Total waste of my time. Then, of course, I had to catch another bus home, which was 15 minutes late. By the time it showed up I was miserable and plastered in snow. At least I got on the right one this time.

I have a 20 minute walk from the bus stop to my house, which I usually don't mind. Today, however, it was really blizzardy, and walking up the side of a highway when cars cannot see the lines on the road is no fun. I called my brother to see if he could come pick me up, but he was just leaving for work, and he wouldn't. Seriously? It takes less than 5 minutes! What a jerk. Oh well, calories burned, right. Actually, more than usual because the snow was drifting up to my calves making it really difficult to walk, so it took nearly twice as long to get home. By the time I did, though, my legs were blistered and bleeding because my jeans were tucked into by boots awkwardly and were rubbing :(

I didn't let the morning get me down, though. I had Zumba to look forward too. But, of course, the weather kept getting worse and I ended up not going. I did, however, shovel the driveway, (which is bigger than I thought and snow is much heavier than I remember), so I got some exercise that way. And I did a 30 minute strength video, as well, so I am feeling pretty good about today, as far as calories burned go.

Calories in? Not terrible. I had a smoothie for breakfast, as usual. Coconut milk, mango juice, blueberries, and a banana. For lunch I had a big spinach salad with 1/2 tbsp tahini dressing. Mid-afternoon, I had an apple with some peanut butter. I eat this on the days I have Zumba, to give me enough energy not to pass out. I felt guilty, afterwards, though, which is when i decided to shovel. Good thing, too, because I didn't end up going, anyway. For dinner I had 1/2 cup gnocchi with some tomato sauce, and more salad. And a handful of roasted pecans.

I think my intake is a little high, but as far as Thursdays go, this one went well. My self-control usually starts to go downhill at the end of the week. This is the time of mindless eating for me. Fridays and Saturdays, I start the day well, but I end up snacking later because I feel relaxed and comfortable, being the weekend and all. Sundays are a total right-off, because I have already screwed up my diet the last two days. And then the cycle begins again on Monday. My goal this weekend, though, is to really stay in control. One day at a time. I really want to avoid mindless eating/snacking, and eating out of boredom. It is not really binging, but it is not healthy or necessary either. I think I have figured out my triggers, which is a start. This weekend, if I can focus on only feeding my body when it is hungry, and with nourishing things that it needs, even if my intake is a little high (1200 cals max), I will be happy.

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