Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sundays. Bloody Sundays.

I think Sunday is my least favourite day of the week. What is there to like about it, really? First of all, it's the end of the weekend so I want it to last forever so I don't have to get back to school, work, (except that I am technically still on winter break so I don't do either). But then the day drags on forever, and I wish it would just end so that I could get back into a normal routine. It's a double-edged sword.

The worst part is that by the end of the weekend I have usually (read: always) fallen off the wagon and just eaten a massive supper of, oh, anything and everything washed down with half a bottle of wine. Like today. I can't seem to reach a middle ground. It is all or nothing. Eat all the time or none of the time. (Or maybe it is the opposite. Be happy, calm, in control all of the time or none of the time).


I am looking forward to this week. I have a ton of things to do, that I need to do, to keep me busy. Packing, specifically. I am going to the UK for 5 months for school in a week and a half and I have to get ready, and say goodbye to everyone, and lose 5 pounds before then. Do-able? Completely!


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