Tuesday, December 27, 2011

it's keeping me awake

I woke up this morning with high hopes of a good day, but within 10 minutes those hopes were thoroughly mangled.
While I was sitting at the dining table having a cup of tea and an apple, I could hear my dog doing something in the living room, so I went over to check it out. Turns out my idiot brother left a half-eaten Terry's chocolate orange on the coffee table, (which is the perfect height for a wiener dog to get at). Yup, my dog was helping himself to a big piece of poison! So I started screaming at Oscar (my dog) to get away from it, and he started growling at me with a mouth full of chocolate. I managed to get what he hadn't eaten yet away from him. By that point my brother had come out of his room, and was asking what was up. I told him, and handed him the rest of his orange. He looked at it and said, "Oh, he didn't eat any. That's exactly how much was left." Really?! Because I'm pretty sure I just watched Oscar snarf a bunch of it. Why does C think he needs to defend himself, anyway? I wasn't ragging on him or blaming him. Ugh, I just wanted to strangle him!

I was worried about Oscar for the rest of the day. I didn't really think he'd get sick, but there's always a chance. He is a small dog. But it's now 8pm and he hasn't keeled over yet, so I'm pretty sure he will live to see another day.

I think I was more upset at my brother, than worried about my dog. I mean, how much more lazy and oblivious can you be. "Uh, I didn't think he would get it", was his response. Really? He's a dog. If he can reach it, he will get it. And what did I say when you received that ball of calories on Christmas? Keep away from where Oscar can reach, and you said, "Absolutely, why wouldn't I?" I don't know, C. Why didn't you? GAAAHHH! I think I am overreacting, but he just stresses me out.

My dad was overreacting, too. He nearly threw a hissy fit when he found out. Then he was like, "What next? This is the second thing to go wrong this morning", (Wanna know what the first thing was? The newspaper wasn't delivered. Seriously). And then he refused to eat his toast and sulked, looking like he was about to cry. No exaggeration. I had to leave the room before I said something sarcastic.

Today was just tiring, having to be around ridiculous people all day. Tomorrow will be better, because I am home alone. I am making jam, too, so I will be nice and occupied for the day. (Pomegranate clementine jam, a gift for my aunts).

Oh, here are some pics of Oscar:

1 comment:

  1. our dog used to go mental for chocolate around christmas time. she could even open chocolate coins without tearing them! we would come home and see the wrappers scattered all over the floor :')
    she lived to be 18 years old too!
    she was quite a bit bigger than Oscar though (who is TOTALLY ADORABLE) but i'm sure he will be ok :) xxxxx
